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How to setup sw900 ebike display

Views: 14     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-03-03      Origin: Site

Crazy Lao K here , today , i want to show you configrations of this SW900 ebike display , let’s get start .


First of all , you need to know how to enter or exit the setup , you just need hold both “up” and ”down” bottom for about 2 seconds ; short press “up” and ”down” bottom to increase or decrease the value ; short press “M” bottom to switch different menu .


P01 LCD backlight brightness

Value from 1 to 3 , the higher ,the brighter . the lowest lever is enough for use ; when daytime , you can hardly see the difference between , but when in dark , the higher brightness will affect your safety , you can hardly see the road .


P02 unit of speed

“0” for kilometer per hour ; “1” for mile per hour


P03 battery voltage (V)

24 / 36 / 48 / 60 / 72 could be set , it will also adjust automatically .


P04 auto turn off time (minutes)

‘0’ for no sleep , it’s a good function , set 5 minutes will be fine , also , it’s power on speed is very fast , just need 2 seconds .


P05 PAS gear number

‘0’ for 3 gears ; ’1’ for 5 gears ; ’2’ for 9 gears . i think 3 gears is perfect , 5 or 9 will be too many .


P06 wheel diameter (inch)

This value is measured in inch , you should set your wheel diameter correctly , or you would get the wrong speed and range on your display . When this value is smaller than your wheel’s diameter , the speed and range on your display will be smaller .Because when the wheel rotate for one circle , the smaller wheel have shorter distance , and that cause lower speed .


P07 magnet number of speed measurement

Different motor have different value , you should ask your supplier for the correct value . if the value is wrong ,that will cause the wrong speed or no speed on your display . our gear motor’s value is 1 , and the direct drive motor’s value is 46 .


P08 speed limit (kph)

This value is measured in km/h , set ‘100’ for no speed limit , please comply with your region laws .


P09 startup mode

‘0’ for direct start ; ’1’ for initial speed required ; for safety use , i suggest setting this value as ‘1’ , that means it needs initial speed to start , about 4 km/h , similar to scooter , kick to start .


If set the value as ‘0’ , your bike will suddenly start if some people touch the throttle or the PAS , that might cause damage to yourself or the other one or your e-bike .


P10 drive mode

‘0’ for only PAS work ; ’1’ for only throttle work ; ’2’ for both work . you can choose what you want .


P11 assist sensitivity

Value from 1 to 24 , smaller is more sensitive


P12 assist startup level

We suggest 3 will be good .


P13 assist magnetic steel disc type

May be ‘5’ ; ’8’ ; ’12’ ; that depends on your PAS .


P14 current limit (A)

Measured in amps , it can be used for power limit . for example , if i set ‘10’ amps , the power output will be about 52V*10A=520Watts (a 48V battery fully charged will be about 54.4V)


P15 loss of voltage (V)

this value will be automatically set according to P 03 Value , default value is okay , we doesn’t need to change usually .


P16 clear ODO

When at this screen , you can hold the ‘up’ bottom to clear the ODO range , hold abssout 4 seconds .


Finally , there is one thing you should know , all this functions are worked with the controller , if your controller doesnt support that , you may found that something doesnt work .
